Thursday, December 26, 2019

Physical Indicators Of Sexual Abuse - 1235 Words

t the child might be coerced into lying to protect the abuser. (Indicators of Abuse) Physical Indicators of sexual abuse can be harder to see than those of physical abuse this is because most often, if there are any physical signs they are hidden. Physical signs can include the child having difficulty walking or sitting, if a child looks like he or she is in pain while doing either activity ask questions. Torn, stained or bloody underwear is also a sign of sexual abuse, this sign is hard to go off of because only someone who is doing the child’s laundry or changing the child will come across this. If a child has pain, itching or bleeding in either the genital or anal areas than this is an important touchstone as well. (Indicators of Abuse) Behavioral signs of sexual abuse can include being unwilling to change in front of people, especially if they weren’t ever shy about it before. If a child has an understanding of sex well beyond what is age appropriate this is a very obvious and important sign. Sometimes children who have been victims of sexual abuse will touch their genitals or masturbate frequently, this goes beyond a little boy or girl just being curious. If a child seems to regress in development, like for example going back to sucking their thumb or if a child seems to have retreated into a fantasy world than one should start wondering if sexual abuse could be a horror this young child has faced. Another factor that is important and can be overlooked is if a childShow MoreRelatedEssay about Unit 11 P11679 Words   |  7 Pagesassignment will describe the forms of abuse which may be experienced by adults; describing indicators that abuse may be happening to adults. It will then look at factors that may le ad to abusive situations and assess the possible immediate effects of two different forms of abuse. The abuse that will be specifically looked at will be sexual and financial abuse, further extending by evaluating the potential long term effects of the two types of abuse. Abuse is a violation of a person’s civil andRead MoreSexual Exploitation And Assault Of A Minor892 Words   |  4 PagesThe sexual exploitation or assault of a minor is the definition of childhood sexual abuse (Burns, Dunn, Brady, Starr Blosser, 2013). The abuse may involve fondling, oral-genital, genital or anal contact with a child who developmentally unable to give consent. The incidence of childhood sexual abuse in the United States is approximately 18% of girls and 9 % of boys (Bechtel Bennett, 2016). As the pediatric primary care provider, the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) may become involved with a pediatricRead MoreIs A Vulnerable Adult?1460 Words   |  6 Pagesexploitation or is experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect (, 2015). These people are vulnerable as they are at more risk of abuse as they are in a more vulnerable position and are less able to protect themselves from abuse or neglect due to illnesses and disabilities. WHO IS MOST AT RISK? Some people may be more at risk to being abused than others because they are more vulnerable than others. These groups could be people with physical or learning disabilities, mental illnessesRead MoreP3: Explain the factors that would lead to suspicion of child maltreatment or abuse.972 Words   |  4 Pagesthat would lead to suspicion of child maltreatment or abuse. The different types of maltreatment is sexual abuse, Sexual abuse refers to any action that pressures or forces someone to do something sexually they don t want to do. Sexual abuse can be when you’re being touched in a way that you may not like, or being forced to have sex, another type of sexual abuse is when somebody is forced to look at sexual pictures or videos. Sexual abuse can also include someone flashing or exposing themselvesRead MoreThe Range Of Child Abuse1358 Words   |  6 Pagesunderstand the range of child abuse, detection, and appropriate response to abuse. According to the NSPCC ‘almost 2,000 children in Northern Ireland were identified as needing protection from abuse last year’ (NSPCC, 2015). Child abuse is when a parent or carer, whether by action or reluctance to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child. The Children’s Order (NI) 1995 recognises four types of abuse: physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect. Children whoRead MoreDomestic Violence in the United States Essay example971 Words   |  4 Pagesknown as domestic, spousal and child abuse, domestic violence can take many forms, including physical, sexual, emotional, and economic. Regardless of what type of abuse it is, they can all have one common denominator: to obtain and maintain complete control over the victim. 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This can be seen largely in both the mortality and longevity rate which have dramatically increased as a result of medical advances. No other demographics have profited from these medical breakthrough than the senior citizen or the elderly particularly in the United States. The National Center on Elder Abuse which is a part of the Department of Health and Human Services notes by 2050, people of the agesRead MoreUnit 8 Understanding Safegaurding Of Children And Young People1585 Words   |  7 Pagesadult sector) 1.1 The aim of the policy is to ensure that children and young people who are service users, or who are family or dependents of service users, are given the best possible opportunity to achieve positive outcomes and are protected from abuse or other harm The objectives of the policy are to ensure: That all staff, students and volunteers are aware of and follow Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Procedures which take precedence over any local Safeguarding Children’s Procedures, if thereRead MoreTypes And Types Of Maltreatment1360 Words   |  6 Pagesemotional abuse, sexual abuse and domestic violence. Briggs and Hawkins (1997, p. 22) justify that emotional abuse is one of the hardest forms of abuse to define, prove and that it is least reported. In Noah’s disclosure he informs us that Joe, his mums new boyfriend, is mean to her and hits and pushes her. Outlined in DEECED DHS witnessing this family violence that is taking place is an indicator of emotional abuse (DEECD DHS protocol 2010, appendix 2, p.6). The physical abuse that Noah’s

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Problem Of A World Problem - 1281 Words

A world problem is one that cannot be solved by countries acting alone and do not affect one country alone, these problems will have consequences for many people across the globe. Additionally, global problems can be so significant that they affect the ability of the planet itself to support life. There are many world problems that are evident around the globe today, however the most significant problem is population growth. According to the UN News Centre, in 2015 the world population was 7.3 billion. In 1990, the population was only 5.3 billion, meaning in 25 years, there was a dramatic increase in population by 2 billion. It is projected that by 2100, the population will exceed 11.2 billion people. The exponential growth of population can be traced to the increase of global development. Hite and Seitz attributed the population booms to three major factors that influenced development and population. Beginning with the agriculture boom, people began to grow their populations because they could sustain more people with the more food they were growing. Then came the industrial revolution, which increased the quality of life for people, causing them to once again increase populations. Still, populations were multiplying steadily because death rates were still high. Now, we are seeing more major health improvements, thus extending the life expectancy and reducing death rates. While initially the growth could be attributed to high birth rates, that has since evened out becauseShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of World Hunger1258 Words   |  6 Pagespervasive threat of death have been streaming on various media. World Hunger is one of the main problems that a large portion of the global population faces today. Hunger varies with severity but in this case it is the want of food in a third world country. World hunger is a problem that has existed for much of our known history; it has faded away from central concerns because it is barely brought up in everyday conversation s. World hunger has many aggravating factors and principal causes, such asRead MoreRacism: a World Problem1425 Words   |  6 PagesRacism: A World Problem In one way or another everyone encounters racism at many times in their life. Whether they are making the comments or victims of it, racism is everywhere and continues to be denied throughout the world. Neil Bissoondath, a Trinidad native, writes Im Not Racist ButÂ… which discusses the types of labels given to different ethnic groups and the encouragement of racism they give. Based on the effective way it was written, Bissoondaths essay is suggested for an English 101Read MoreThe Problem Of World Hunger1065 Words   |  5 PagesWriting commentary I decided to write an article for the readers of a sophisticated scientific based magazine on the topic of farming and poverty. As the problem of world hunger becomes more and more apparent I wanted to write an article for what I believe is the solution to the problem. My aim was to inform and persuade the readers to agree with my view that intensive farming is better than free range farming. By all means, there were restrictions and bias to my argument, so in the end, I decidedRead More12 World Problems1849 Words   |  8 Pages1. Pollution - of the air, the water, the soil. For Gadamer all of these problems are the consequence of the compartmentalized thinking of the modern era, along with the assumption that the earth is ours to exploit as we please without regard to for the future, for our children, for the earth itself. We must reassume our historical responsibility for our children’s future by protecting their heritage. The reckless anarchy of the exploitation of th e earth must be replaced by responsible dialogueRead MoreThe Problem Of World Hunger1999 Words   |  8 Pagespeople all around the world despite the world producing more than enough food to feed everyone. Although world hunger is an increasing dilemma in poverty-stricken countries because they do not have the finances to produce or purchase crops, in order to alleviate this problem we must eliminate meat off of our plates. As we have seen for decades, world hunger has been a chilling epidemic affecting over 925 million people, but it has little to do with food shortages. (â€Å"World Hunger Facts†, Page 1)Read MoreCybercrime : A World Problem2592 Words   |  11 Pagesmodern business world. It is rapidly becoming a business opportunity open to everyone driven by profit (Jones, 2007). In cybercrime, the perpetrator typically gains access to a computer system without the owner’s authorisation (Davis, 2003). It is often not just one particular type of cybercrime that is occurring, but usually when individuals think of cybercrime they immediately think of viruses or worms (Table 1) (Hutchings, 2012). These types of crimes are becoming a world problem that costs theRead MoreThe Digital Divide: A Problem for Thrid World Problems Essay1325 Words   |  6 PagesThe Digital Divide In 1966, the world was introduced to a television series titled â€Å"Star Trek†, created by Gene Roddenberry, portraying fantasy technology that all members of planet Earth had knowledge of. The characters on the TV show used innovative tools such as Telepresense, Communicators, Phasers, and Universal Translators. In modern society these tools are used worldwide but they are called video conferencing, cell phones, taser guns, and voice recognition software, respectively. Another thingRead MorePoverty Is The Biggest World Problem1267 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction All of us complain about what we don’t have and what we can’t afford. We forget that there are billions of people that have less than we do. Poverty is one of the biggest world problems there are today. More than 80% of people in the world live on less than 10 dollars a day. There are a growing number of people in need of resources, and no money to provide it. For example, no access to clean water and in some cases any water at all. Some people do not have shelter, or health servicesRead MoreApplications For Real World Problems1534 Words   |  7 PagesSomeone who applies his or her knowledge of the pure sciences to make practical applications for real world problems is by definition an engineer. Engineers are the people who create solutions to issues that the world faces on a daily basis, from miniscule problems such as creating a more ergonomic workplace to large scale issues such as global warming. Without engineers the world would not be as advanced as it is today, we would all still be clueless about electricity, we wouldn’t have theRead MorePoverty Is A Serious World Problem Essay923 Words   |  4 Pagesfood poverty. Poverty has become such a prevalent issue throughout history, that it isn’t put into consideration as much as it should be. Poverty is a serious world problem, and truly needs to be stopped. With the help of citizens of the world, and different groups, and charities, the percentage of poverty stricken people around the world could be greatly shrunk. Above all, poverty has countless effects on people, society, governments, etc. One of the multitude of effects, mainly caused by food

Monday, December 9, 2019

Existence of god Essay Example For Students

Existence of god Essay In David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Cleanthes’ argument from design is successful in supporting the idea that the universe has an ordered arrangement and pattern. This argument is not sound in its ability to prove the existence of the Christian God. However, Cleanthes does present a sound case for order in the universe, which can be seen as an aspect of one’s faith in a Supreme Creator. In the argument from design, Cleanthes is attempting to discover and defend the basic foundations of religion by using the same methods applied in scientific thought. Paramount in the process of scientific thought is reliance on previous observation and experience of certain causes resulting in specific effects. If a scientist experiences a million times that when chemical A is directly exposed to fire, an enormous explosion takes place, it is logical that the scientist is wholly expecting the same effect the next time the experiment is run. It appears through this line of reasoning that the argument from design relies heavily on the relative probability of an event occurring over a specified period of time. This idea corresponds to human interpretation of the Universe in that perception without the aid of experience is not sufficient in the realization process of a particular phenomenon. If a human were left only to their own perceptions of the universe without prior experiences, th ey would be able to make several value judgements, but without experience with these judgements it would be impossible to determine which were genuine. (p.61, par.2) Even if one believes that truth is relative, they must agree that there is an experience that has occurred in the past causing this person to label a particular outcome as being true or false. If I have no prior experience or knowledge of the qualities of a tree, I would be left to hypothesize on these qualities only from what I could perceive by looking at the tree. I may come up with several theories, one of which may happen to be the correct one, but with no prior experience on which to base these guesses, I would have no way of knowing which theory was correct. Philo objects to the use of only human intelligence as the benchmark by which to measure the order of the universe. Nature is also an example of a great wealth of order and arrangement that coexists with the human mind in the universe. He believes that by com paring the order that is present in the universe, being the whole, to the order that appears in the parts, being the human mind and nature, one makes too presumptuous an inference concerning the characteristics of both the whole and its parts. (p. 65) However, it is logical to presume that the qualities of any whole are reflected, at least in part, in the workings of the whole. The use of the watch to analyze the design of the universe originates in the belief that the universe would dictate the qualities of the watch, and would therefore bestow upon the watch characteristics similar to its own. It is indeed arbitrary to select human intelligence as the means by which to analyze whatever order may exist in the universe, but it seems as logical an example as any. Surely, nature, the cosmos, and other examples of order exist in the universe, but human intelligence is by far the most know entity to humans of any of these examples. It should appear logical to analyze such a monumental t ask such as the arrangement of the universe using the most know example of design that human beings can comprehend. The next important aspect in Clenthes’ argument is the implementation of the theory of cause and effect as it applies in the case of perceiving means to an end and presuming that effects follow from a previous, related cause. As mentioned above in regards to the scientist, events that have similar effects are assumed to have similar causes. Cleanthes argues that the universe is â€Å"nothing but one great machine, subdivided into an infinite number of lesser machines.† (p.59, par.4) From human experience with machines, it is believed to be true that they involve a complex system of design and order through working parts. Through the rules of analogy, Cleanthes comes to the following argument and subsequent conclusion: Since both machines and the human mind share the tendency toward order and producing an end from previous, ordered means, the two most like ly arise from a similar cause. Cleanthes therefore concludes that the creator of nature is similar to the creator of the mind of man. (p.60, par.1) In other words, because machines and the universe share common characteristics and tendencies, it can be inferred from experience that they share similar characteristics and come from similar causes. It’s reasonable to conclude that Cleanthes comprehends the folly in believing that discovering the natures of the universe and proving beyond the shadow of a doubt the existence of a Supreme Being will end successfully. He is a man searching for answers through the avenue most familiar and reasonable to himself. Believing in mystery as opposed to measurable experience is not a logical or viable solution to him. .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f , .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f .postImageUrl , .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f , .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f:hover , .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f:visited , .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f:active { border:0!important; } .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f:active , .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u573450394d5ce131f4e35dec5ddc460f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Strategy Framework Of Knowledge Management Commerce Essay On the issue of comparing two events from experience, Philo contends that the origin of the universe was a singular event of which man has no experience, and therefore cannot compare it to anything such as a watch or a house. (p. 66) This premise is true, but what needs to be taken into account when studying the argument from design is that Cleanthes is referring to merely a quality he believes the universe to hold, namely design, not the very nature of its origin. To presume to understand from experience an event so beyond the scope of logic granted to the human mind is absurd, but to ruminate on the nature of such a creation is far more realistic. As Philo has said, humans are presented with examples of design in the universe everyday. It is a natural human inclination to postulate on phenomena beyond their comprehension through tangible examples such as nature, the human mind, and the cosmos. There is a scientific theory that appears to, in part, concur with Cleanthes’ argument from design in assessing the nature of the universe. This theory is known as the Anthropic Principle. There are variations within this principle, but the basic foundation is this: New worlds are created with every particle interaction, and with all these worlds (or universes), it is not unexpected that at least one is ideally suited for life. Henceforth, the universe came into existence with the â€Å"capability and tendency to evolve life, conscious and even self-conscious creatures.† This principle holds in common with the argument from design that, inherent in the nature of the universe is a certain order that fosters the perfect environment for intelligent life. Certainly, we cannot know to what extent similar life forms exist beyond our own solar system, or even our own universe for that matter. However, we do know that within our own solar system, earth is the only planet perfec tly suited, physically, for the generation of a sustainable life form. Perhaps this is another example of examining the part in an attempt to rationalize the whole, but we must use examples of things that we know to be true to analyze things we know nothing about. It is true that many of those who believe some variation of the Anthropic Principle deem it logical to presume from its premises that a pre-existing God that we cannot observe is responsible for the universe and the order within. This is certainly an unsound conclusion, but the idea of believing something that we cannot observe is what faith is all about. This is not an attempt to avoid responsibility in supporting an argument that falls short in proving the existence of God. On the contrary, one must conclude that logical reasoning can only take the human mind as far as an experience of the subject matter will allow. Surely man would love to know how and why he arrived here and who is responsible, but without experience o f this phenomenon, he will never know for sure. Cleanthes’ argument from design is an attempt by a man to come to grips with an incomprehensible event through human faculties of both science and religious faith. He may have fallen short of proving the existence of a Christian God, if that was even his original intent, but Cleanthes’ does present a very intelligent and persuasive argument in favor of a universe based on order and design. Bibliography:

Monday, December 2, 2019

Russia And The Cis Essays - International Relations,

Russia And The Cis When the Soviet Union fell in 1991, due to many pressures both internal and external, the ex-soviet satellites were given their independence, much to Russia's dismay. A new trend towards sovereignty made it difficult for the largest country in the world to deny it's former members the right to separate. However, even with the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Russia is still heavily involved with the matters of its former soviet members. This then leaves the question, are those former states truly sovereign? In the following pages we will examine the many reasons as to why this question is currently being posed. Firstly, we will look at Russia's history on the international scene and how they have not really changed their agenda throughout the last century, up into the present. Along with the brief history, we shall elaborate on the reasons why the CIS was founded. Furthermore, modern day Russia seems to feel the need to impose itself upon these new sovereign states for various reasons that we will elaborate upon. Lastly, the members of the CIS see Russia as both a friend and foe to the organisation, which will be shown by looking at their interests and why they have divided views. However, to fully understand the complexities that are the Russian Empire, let us take a step back in time to when Peter the Great was building a country of grandeur. In the early 18th century, Peter the Great continued the expansion set forth by his predecessors, and fought a long war against the seasoned Swedish army. With the final defeat of their army, Peter gained control of several small countries, Latvia, Lithuania, Ingria and Estonia. Upon his return from the war the Russian senate voted that he bear the title of the Great and Emperor, his acceptance of the last title marked the official inauguration of the Russian Empire. Peter the Great continued to fight wars in hopes of expanding Russia's borders and its economy, regardless of cost, which eventually led to mistrust within the empire. Russia was indeed a world power, influencing and controlling its neighbours. Having built such a vast empire was only part of Peter's public appeal, he was a very ruthless but enlightened leader, the kind that appealed to the Russian people. In one of the bloodier cases, he had 1000 members of a coup d'?tat assassinated, a punishment that he himself helped administer. Upon his death, many school children were then raised to see Peter as a hero, and a model leader. Perhaps then it is not so surprising that in the decades to follow, his accepted ruthlessness would be passed down into the next generations of leaders, this time having stricter doctrines within the regimes. As Karl Marx's ideas of socialism spread across a desperate nation several men stepped forward to end the oppression and starvation of their beloved country. The Russian revolution in 1917 seemed to be a refreshing change compared to the imperialism of the old regime and so countries such as Ukraine, Poland and Belarus joined willingly, hoping to find guidance for their country. Regardless of the many positive changes in the late 1920's, Joseph Stalin gained sole control of the Soviet Union and was more or less as ruthless as Peter the great himself. He began expanding and militarising the union, putting the state above each and every man. In the Ukraine, profitable farms were condensed into collective farms hoping to support industrialisation, and as a result there was a great famine and an estimated 5 to 7 million Ukrainians died. Even in Ukraine's darker period, because of their many natural resources, they were still considered very important to the Soviet Empire, almost its back bone. The Ukraine was not the only country to be used by the Soviets. Since the USSR spanned eight time zones, the land occupied was enormous; in fact it was the largest in the world. With such diverse landscapes there came many different natural resources which were used to feed and house the population of the Soviet Union as well as push the economy forward with its exports. The trees blanketing one-third of the Soviet Union constituted more than one-quarter of the

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Essay on Considerations for a Home Death

Essay on Considerations for a Home Death Essay on Considerations for a Home Death Essay on Considerations for a Home DeathThe place and the way to die is not the most pleasant thing in the world to decide on. However, for most of us this question will be inevitable one day, and it seems to be significant to realize all pros and cons of each option.It goes without saying that dying in an accident can never be planned. Therefore, only dying because of fatal disease or from sheer old age can be organized beforehand. In fact, the opportunities of dying in medical institution are rather wide today. First of all, there is a regular supervision and the room is specially equipped to make your last days easier. Medical staff takes care of patients, while family members are not always ready to provide all the necessary assistance (Stenekes and Streeter). They may be busy at work or lack tolerance, or only one caregiver is available at home.However, it is not surprising that more than half of patients would prefer to die at home, in their familiar and comfortable surrounding s. What is more, 40 percent of patients who die at hospitals have no medical indications for that (Mooney). Despite all rational evidence, it is not difficult to understand those who do not want to die at hospital. Although qualified medical care is round-the-clock available there, it is more natural to spend your last days among your family, among your favorite things and people. Hardly anyone will enjoy the perspective to let the medical equipment and nurses be the last thing to see in this life. Even if you know that your life is almost over, it is better not to focus on the end, but to enjoy the days as much as possible. And if there is a way to distract you from imminent death, we’d better try it.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Comparable Worth Compared to Equal Pay

Comparable Worth Compared to Equal Pay Comparable worth is shorthand for equal pay for work of equal value or equal pay for work of comparable worth. The doctrine of comparable worth is an attempt to remedy the inequities of pay which result from a long history of sex-segregated jobs and different pay scales for female and male jobs. Market rates, in this view, reflect past discriminatory practices, and cannot be the only basis of deciding current pay equity. Comparable worth looks at the skills and responsibilities of different jobs and attempts to correlate compensation to those skills and responsibilities. Comparable worth systems seek to fairly compensate jobs held primarily by women or by men more equitably by comparing the educational and skill requirements, task activities, and responsibility in different jobs, and attempting to compensate each job in relation to such factors rather than by the traditional pay history of the jobs. Equal Pay vs. Comparable Worth The Equal Pay Act of 1973  and many court decisions on pay equity revolve around the requirement that  the work being compared be equal work.  This approach to equity assumes that there are men and women in the job category and that they should not be paid differently for doing the same work. What happens when jobs are distributed differently, where there are different jobs, some held traditionally by mostly men and some held traditionally by mostly women?  How does equal pay for equal work apply? The effect of the ghettos of male and female jobs is that often, the male jobs were traditionally compensated more highly in part because they were held by men, and the female jobs were compensated less well in part because they were held by women. The comparable value approach then moves to looking at the work itself: What skills are required? How much training and education? What level of responsibility is involved? Example Traditionally, the job of a licensed practical nurse has been held mostly by women, and the job of a licensed electrician mostly by men.  If the skills and responsibilities and required training levels are found to be relatively equal, then a compensation system involving both jobs would adjust compensation to bring the LPNs pay into line with the electricians pay. A common example in a large organization, like state employees, might be outdoor lawn maintenance compared to nursery school aides.  The former has traditionally been done more by men and the latter by women.  The level of responsibility and education required is higher for the nursery school aides, and lifting small children may be similar to lifting requirements for those maintaining the lawn who lift bags of soil and other materials. Yet traditionally, the nursery school aides were paid less than the lawn maintenance crew, probably because of the historical connections of the jobs with men (once assumed to be breadwinners) and women (once assumed to be earning pin money).  Is the responsibility for a lawn of more value than the responsibility for the education and welfare of small children? The Effect of Comparable Worth Adjustments By using more objective standards applied to otherwise-different jobs, the effect is usually to increase pay to the jobs where women dominate in numbers. Often, the effect is also to equalize pay across racial lines as well, where jobs had been distributed differently by race. In most actual implementations of comparable worth, the pay of the lower-paid group is adjusted upwards, and the pay of the higher-paid group is allowed to grow more slowly than it would have without the comparable worth system in place.  It is not common practice in such implementations for the higher-paid group to have their wages or salaries cut from current levels. Where Comparable Worth Is Used Most comparable worth agreements have been the result of labor union negotiations or other agreements  and are more likely to be in the public sector than the private sector. The approach lends itself better to large organizations, whether public or private and has little effect on such jobs as domestic workers, where few people work in each workplace. The union AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees) has been particularly active in winning comparable worth agreements. Opponents of comparable worth generally argue for the difficulty of judging true worth of a job, and for allowing the market forces to balance a variety of social values. Bibliography Linda M. Blum. Between Feminism and Labor: The Significance of the Comparable Worth Movement. 1991.Sara M. Evans, Barbara N. Nelson. Wage Justice: Comparable Worth and the Paradox of Technocratic Reform. 1989, 1991.Joan Acker. Doing Comparable Worth: Gender, Class, and Pay Equity. 1989, 1991.Helen Remick. Comparable Worth and Wage Discrimination. 1984, 1985.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Biometric Authentication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Biometric Authentication - Essay Example One’s fingerprint, hand, or face recognition senses such specific details as ridges, orientation, as well as other features of the fingerprint. DBS is thus an effective technology offering optimal solutions towards the safety of responsive areas, thereby meeting the demands of the clients for high security whilst maintaining litheness (Nanavati et al 2002). According to Jain et al (1996), a number of factors underscore the inevitability of a DBS. First, DBS requires that a recognition trait must be universal. This implies that all people must possess a chosen biometric, with each person having a distinctive one. Secondly, the chosen biometric, in every human being, must be stable. Role-based admission management is a fundamental concept with two limits: simple and complex extremes. Ferraiolo et al (2007) postulate that there exists four chronological role-based authentication approaches as elucidated by the NIST model. The order is arranged in growing functional capacities. Th e â€Å"Flat Role-Based Access Control† comes first and exemplifies the basic role-based access management aspects. This approach stipulates that roles be assigned to users and permissions, thereby necessitating one to be considered in a role to gain access or permission. Importantly, a number of roles can be allocated to an individual user while multiple users can be allocated a solitary, common role. â€Å"Hierarchical Role-Based Management Control† (HRBMC) comes second in the sequence. This stage adjoins a constraint that shores up the ranking via allowing consent of the juniors by the senior staff. The HRBMC approach consists of two phases; universal hierarchical and controlled hierarchical role-based verification. The universal hierarchical role-based certification supports a capricious fractional order for helping the role ladder. On the other hand, the controlled hierarchical role-based verification entails the imposition of limits upon the role ladder by the sy stem. Constrained RBAC comes third in the sequence. Duties’ partition, a mechanism that prevailed prior to the computers for accidental damage and fraud possibility reduction, is added as an obligation within this approach. The implication of duties’ separation takes two approaches: dynamic and static duties’ separation. Symmetric RBAC is the fourth and final approach of this sequence, which assists in the recognition of the roles towards which a specific permission has been allotted, and vice versa (Lin & Fan 2004). In the above situation and approach of use, XACML (Crampton) is the substitute applicable solution. The dissimilarity between rule-based substantiation techniques and the NIST model is the reality that the policies of rule-based verification integrate attribute-based provisions that establish the permitted protocols, as well as recognize source while the policies of the RBAC establish the organisational roles and permissions ascribed to the roles, a s well as the persons, executing such roles (Jain & Uludag 2003). Strengths and Weaknesses of the PALM Biometrics and Reliability and Authentication of this Mechanism PALM biometrics systems are used interchangeably with palm vein biometric method.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Pathophysiology and Pharmacology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Pathophysiology and Pharmacology - Case Study Example This causes blood to accumulate compressing the brain. There are two types of haemorrhagic strokes. Which include intracerebral, and subarachnoid categorized based on the disease aetiology (Ewan et al. 2010). Ischemic Cerebrovascular Accident is caused by the interruption of blood supply to the cerebral tissue. It has multiple etiologic mechanisms and clinical manifestations. The ischemia is caused by thrombosis, embolism, arterial luminal obliteration, venous congestion and systemic hypoperfusion (Laredo et al. 2011). An Ischemic thrombotic stroke is caused by the development of a clot that obstructs the blood vessel. Pathology in the local endothelium is the common trigger of thrombosis. The most common pathological feature of vascular obstruction is the chronic inflammation disease Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaques usually form at bifurcation points of vessels and high shear stress points. They overexpress plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 that inhibits the enzyme plasminogen activator, which converts plasminogen to plasmin that degrades plasma proteins (Jorge et al. 2010). Plasmin is essential in fibrinolysis. Therefore, inhibition of activation promotes the formation of blood clots. Endothelial surface injury triggers an inflammatory reaction recruiting cytokines and peroxides. These substances trigger the expression of P-selectin, E-selectin and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 by the endothelial cells molecules necessary for the adhesion of recruited leukocytes to the endothelial wall. They migrate into the intima forming a fatty streak that are then infiltrated by macrophages forming plaques and accumulating lipids to form foam cells (Santos et al. 2012). Plaques can enlarge and occlude blood vessels, become ulcerated, calcify, develop thrombosis, form embolus or lead to the formation of an aneurysm. Ulceration occurs when the atherosclerotic plaques

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Managing Resources Essay Example for Free

Managing Resources Essay The learning resource I have chosen is actually also used as an ice breaker for a lesson and then used to build on students communication, reading and understanding skills. The task is used to put students under a time constraint to complete a task of ready and answering simple and possibly trick questions in a short time frame. This resource is not used in a way to trick students but used to then get them to reflect on their ready and interpretation of a question. For example, the first part of the document tell them what they must do and this also asks them to use the space before the number to write their answers. Many students do not do this and proceed to write their answers at the end of the question. When a student is under stress, they may be able to learn skills in much less than the usual time. This is the theory also used in military basic training. It is known as ‘Quick Learning Under Pressure’, it reduces the time it takes to learn a skill through study. This theory has been interpreted under many different ways and Ann Dupuis suggests that under pressure students will gain new skills without taking time to study. Her theory goes onto describe how a Physician caught on a battlefield will under pressure help other people and learn surgery to assist other. I feel this adapts itself to my resource. Many students do not know how to adapt their skills under a timed period such as an exam and placing them under pressure for a short period of 5 minutes will get them later to reflect on their actions. This learning resource however may not be suitable to all students and it is not always used where I am aware of slow reader or maybe people who suffer with dyslexia. The choice to use this is based upon group dynamics and ability. When I thought of designing this resource I took into account how learners who complete this task can reflect on each question and question other peer group member answers. This then is reflected within Kolb’s idea on the learning cycle. Kolb works on a four stage cycle of Concrete Experience, Reflective observation, Abstract Conceptualization and Active Experiment. The experience side of things is the student actual having to complete the task. The reflective observation is covered by completed a group review of the answers. So at the end of the 5 minutes I will lead the students through the questions and statement finding out the students answers and getting them to reflect both personally and as a group on what they had originally written. Now they are reflecting are they changing their mind about the answers? Do they see their initial error when reading the question? The 3rd stage Abstract Conceptualization is then covered by the students looking at the task and ideas or concepts of others around them. The other student interpretation of the questions. The student will then process this information and is able to make a more informed decision. Final the Active Experiment part. 9/10 students want a copy to take a way and try on friends and family so they can put their new skills or understanding into practise of others. This theory is adapted from Kolbs 2006 theory which he updated added extra reasoning behind the 4 main stages. The learning resource once we have gone through the answers can now have the idea and new acquired skills in practising exam questions or exam papers under timed conditions. It also teaches the students not to read something once and immediately think the understand what is being asked of them. When I am moving on from this learning resources onto practise exams I am conscience of the different learning styles I have in the room. I have to ask myself what type of learning styles I have in the room. Do I have the reflector, the theorist, the activist or the pragmatist? The understanding behind this is designed by Honey Mumford. They came up with these 4 titles. Reflectors like to stand back and look at a situation from different perspectives. They like to collect data and think about it carefully before coming to any conclusions. They enjoy observing others and will listen to their views before offering their own. Theorists adapt and integrate observations into complex and logically sound theories. They think problems through in a step by step way. They tend to be perfectionists who like to fit things into a rational scheme. They tend to be detached and analytical rather than subjective or emotive in their thinking. Activists like to be involved in new experiences. They are open minded and enthusiastic about new ideas but get bored with implementation. They enjoy doing things and tend to act first and consider the implications afterwards. They like working with others but tend to hog the limelight. And finally; Pragmatists are keen to try things out. They want concepts that can be applied to their job. They tend to be impatient with lengthy discussions and are practical and down to earth. The one good thing about this resource is as long as I have it on paper to hand out (good planning) I don’t need any other resource or technology. I have used this learning resource as a back up lesson in the past when either our computer systems have gone down, or I have arrived at a venue that does not have ICT facilities of some way of showing resources on a smart board or projector. This learning resource is shared out so widely. As mentioned earlier many students ask for a copy to take away with them so I ensure I always have spares to hand to give out and share the experience. Even if it is just for fun.! The main learning outcomes are to show the students that they need to read the question carefully, even if under pressure. To look out for trick questions or two part questions. And finally extracting the information out of the question that is not relevant to exactly what is being asked of them. In relation to legal requirements, this learning resources has been adapted from a many similar styles. I have used a number of my own questions, however I have added questions I have seen elsewhere and this includes from magazine riddles for fun and other websites. This resource has been changed several times and questions replaced with what I felt where better one to get the students thinking more. This then I believe fall under my Intellectual property right. This is the ownership of ideas or work. Copyright is different as copyrighted material means information created by someone else and a you are not allowed to copy it without the owner permission which may incur costs. An easy understanding of this would be music. If I brought a cd from a store and copied it onto a blank disc and then sold it I would be breaking copy right laws as I am selling something someone else owns. This is the same with learning materials.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Point Blank Consulting Firm Essay -- Business Management Essays

Point Blank Consulting Firm Point Blank Consulting Firm Executive Summary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bulls Eye Indoor Shooting Range is a Las Cruces start-up company dedicated to providing a safe and professional atmosphere where safety is our main concern. We offer a climate-controlled building that will be useful to all law enforcement, security, military, and private citizens. Company Description   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We offer the only indoor shooting range in southern New Mexico. Bulls Eye is equipped with 18 lanes, 25 yards long to assist the advanced shooters, as well as, the novice shooters. Six of these lanes will be allocated for private events for qualifications. Product and Services   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bulls Eye will be dedicated to exceeding customers’ expectations by offering gun classes in firearms training, firearms safety, and gun laws. Our National Rifle Association (NRA) certified instructors will teach firearms skills, safety, and self-defense. At Bulls Eye we strive to make every shooting experience an enjoyable one.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In addition to our services, we sell rifles, handguns, accessories, and ammunition. Our inventory consists of the world’s finest weapons, which include, but not limited to, Winchester, Remington, Colt, Ruger, Smith & Wesson, and Glock, just to name a few.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first Tuesday of every month, we will offer a shooting competition with prizes gong to the top three contenders. A fully equipped classroom with an overhead projector is available to rent; perfect for presentations or training. We will also rent top of the line handguns, rifles, and shotguns for use at our range. Gun Rental Rates: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Handguns, shotguns and .22 rifles $20 includes Range fee for 1 day and 1 target $15 for Bulls Eye members †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  AR-15 $30 includes Range fee for 1 day and 1 target $25 for Bulls Eye members Other services will include: special privileges for members, which consist of: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unlimited number of Range visits †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1 target with first visit per day †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Discounted Range fees for friends †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Discounts on firearm rentals Membership fees are as follows: 1-year Individual Membership  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $200 1-year Couple Membership  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $250 1-year Group Membership  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $300 (up to 4 members) 6 months Individual Membership  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $150 6 months Couple Membership  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $125 6 months Group Membership  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  $250 (up to 4 members) Lifetime Membership  Ã‚  ... ...  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Legal/Accounting Advertising/Promotions  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Miscellaneous expenses Salaries/Wages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Supplies Accounting  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Payroll expenses Income  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Salaries/Wages Utilities  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Taxes Payroll expenses  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Repairs/Maintenance Our assumptions and projections were based upon our market analysis and market forecast. In addition, we believe the changes in our society and the on-going threats of terrorism will have a significant impact on the overall market, customer characteristics, customer needs, and the buying decisions of our customers. Our projected losses would include rent, utilities, insurance (property and liability, life and health), workman’s compensation, wages, and theft. Management Summary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The owner of Bulls Eye Indoor Shooting Range believes that relationships should be forthright, work should be structured with enough room for creativity, and pay should be compensated with the amount and quality of work completed. The company is young enough that the only manager that is needed is the owner of the business.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Two Methods of Weightloss

Sarah M. Davies Rough Draft Com/155 Angela Robles 2-24-2013 The comparison of methods to lose weight In early 1999, over 61% of American adults were classified as overweight or obese. Since then, the rising rate of obesity in this country has continued to increase. Obesity has been known to cause many health issues that could result in death. With the rising rate of obesity in Americans, the Surgeon General suggests a reduced calorie diet and cardio exercise to lose weight; however, many become victims of â€Å"easy† weight loss methods such as the â€Å"Hollywood diet†.The Surgeon General is a good source to find methods of weight loss and therefore suggests a reduced calorie diet and rigorous exercise to lost weight. â€Å"Approximately 300,000 deaths each year in the United States may be attributable to obesity. † The first question that arises when the subject of losing weight comes up is: â€Å"Can I still eat what I want? † The answer could possibly be yes if you follow the suggestions of the Surgeon General. When a person is determined to lose weight, they could follow this type of diet to lose weight efficiently.A reduced calorie diet helps weight loss by lowering food intake and allows for fewer calories for the body to process. Another question that has been asked would be: â€Å"Am I going to be getting enough nutrients when I reduce my calories? † These reduced calorie diets do not deprive the body of nutrients but rather adjust the amount of calories one takes in. This type of diet should also include a daily regimented portion of exercise. Exercise helps reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes in those who are overweight or obese. The Surgeon General also tates â€Å"Overweight and obesity are associated with heart disease, certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis, breathing problems, and psychological disorders, such as depression. † The risk of all these health issues are drastic ally reduced when one begins exercise to lose weight. The Hollywood diet is a juice only diet that rids your body of chemicals and cleanses your system. However, it is believed by some scientists that the body is capable of ridding toxins from itself without the need for a fast, easy method such as this.The Hollywood diet drink is composed of mostly natural ingredients like water, fructose, pineapple, orange, prune, apple and white grape juices along with preserves and stabilizers. This diet reduces the caloric intake from the standard 2,000 calorie diet to that of only 400 calories per day. Instead of eating three to four square meals per day, the individual would be drinking this juice product four times per day along with water. Statistics show that 84% of people who have tried this diet enjoyed the results. The Hollywood diet can help increase energy, clears up skin and helps reduce constipation.There are also no red flag ingredients included in this drink that could cause issue s with one’s health. Caffeine and ephedra are two ingredients that are not included in this drink. Unfortunately, since this diet is a vitamin and mineral fortified drink, it is only known to be a short term weight loss method and has no known long term results. Experts who have studied this product have stated â€Å"this type of diet can be misleading because an individual would be losing water weight and not fat. † Also, because this is a low calorie diet, it may not be optimal for certain individuals with health issues.In comparison, with a reduced calorie diet and exercise, the individual is provided with all essential vitamins and nutrients to aid in weight loss; but with the Hollywood diet, you are not. The Hollywood diet does not provide an individual with proteins or fats which are essentials to optimal health. If an individual were to follow the Surgeon General’s suggestion, they would be provided these two essentials, just in a smaller dosage. Protein is essential to a healthy diet and fats help the body to function properly. If a person were to be diabetic, the reduced calorie diet with exercise will help maintain blood sugar levels.Unfortunately, with the Hollywood diet, specifically states â€Å"This type of diet is not recommended for diabetics or those with health issues. † Since the Hollywood diet is a very low calorie diet, a person who tries this diet could suffer from intestinal cramping, gallstones and cardiovascular problems. Therefore it is not recommended by the Surgeon General to try this type of diet for â€Å"rapid† weight loss. In conclusion, for optimal results with no underlying health risks, it is best to follow the Surgeon Generals suggestion of a reduced calorie diet and healthy exercise.When an individual follows this diet there is a drastically reduced risk of contracting cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, and helps aid in losing weight the proper way. The Hollywood diet is a good di et for quick and easy weight loss. Unfortunately, there are certain risks with this diet, especially for those that have diabetes. The main concerns are the fact that with this diet, individuals are only losing water weight and not fat. The name of Hollywood diet allows the user to think of the stars and famous, but with the risk of cardiovascular issues and high blood pressure, there is no stardom inherited.It is imperative to control the rise of obesity and by following the Surgeon Generals suggestion. The body is very important to keep in good health. To quote Henry Ward Beecher: â€Å"The body is like a piano, and happiness is like music. It is needful to have the instrument in good order. † References: http://www. surgeongeneral. gov/library/calls/obesity/fact_whatcanyoudo. html http://www. faddiet. com/hollywooddiet. html http://www. dietsinreview. com/diets/Hollywood_Miracle_Diet/ www. surgeongeneral. gov/library/calls/obesity

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Creative Writing Essay

Brooke stood outside of his trench now, leaning against the outside wall and smoking a cigarette. He inhaled and breathed out slowly, his eyes brimmed with tears as he stared up at the black sky, which every so often lit up with white light from an explosion somewhere. He closed his eyes and he willed away the tears, but rather than disappearing as he had hoped, they rolled down his dirty, pale cheeks and stung his rough lips. He watched indifferently as men went back and forth carrying stretchers laden with moaning men with horrific injuries. Once they came by carrying a young boy who Brooke thought could not have been any older than eighteen, he was covered in blood and had taken a serious blow to the head as he was blown back by a shell landing nearby. He was still and unmoving as the stretcher-bearers hurried him back to the infirmary barracks. Finally, a sergeant named Truman tentatively approached him. â€Å"Sir? † â€Å"Yes, what is it? â€Å", he replied wearily. â€Å"Sir, Private Atkinson is hysterical sir, he’s frightening the other men and Sergeant Williams can’t control him. Williams says can you please come, Sir? † Brooke sighed. A deep long sigh. â€Å"Yes all right, tell him I’m coming. † When the two men entered the trench all the men in the first battalion looked up with faces as dark as storm clouds and expressions which could melt a heart of stone. Brooke nodded at them as he strode past but they had no effect on him anymore. He marched straight up to where Atkinson and Williams were and sat down beside Atkinson. The boy lay shaking and muttering, he was hugging himself and rocking back and forth with his eyes tightly shut. As Brooke sat down next to him his muttering became louder and louder until he was almost shouting it. â€Å"There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. † He kept saying it over and over again. Tears streamed down his face and his movements became more and more rigid. Brooke looked at Williams and then around the trench. Twenty faces stared back at him, watching his every move. He shivered. â€Å"Atkinson? Atkinson, do you hear me? † Atkinson nodded and continued muttering. Brooke noticed a large red mark across the young boy’s right cheek. â€Å"Did you do this? † he snapped at Williams. Williams shook his head. Brooke’s sharp grey eyes bore into him; he nodded and looked away. Brooke glared at him then, slowly with all the gentleness of a mother caring for her child, reached out and lifted the shaking Atkinson up to lean against him. The boy buried his head in his commanding officer’s shoulder and grasped at his shirt, sobbing. â€Å"Atkinson†¦ † he said, then continuing in a kind but stern voice. â€Å"David, control yourself. David, we are all scared, but we must not let our emotions overcome us. Do you hear me? † â€Å"Yes Sir. † â€Å"Now, when you go home to your mother, you will meet a nice young girl whom you love very dearly and you will go on to spend the rest of your life with her. However, to do that you must first get through this. Now, you will survive this, but you have to try. Will you do that for me? Will you do that for your mother? † â€Å"Yes, Sir.   As the train pulled into the country station a man, around twenty-three years old stepped casually off and onto the platform. He breathed in deeply and looked around him; everywhere he looked he saw smiling faces and happy families. Dark memories of war clouded his mind; he shook them away and started at a brisk walk towards the town. He sat in the cool church watching the young couple stood at the altar beaming at each other. He listened to the vicar as he droned on, â€Å"Do you David Atkinson take Anna Phillips†¦? † â€Å"You see Thomas old chap? Life goes on.. † Brooke thought to himself. Victoria Holland 11BM English Coursework Mrs Dukes Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

5 Soft Skills For Your Resume That Will Get You Hired

5 Soft Skills For Your Resume That Will Get You Hired A resume is a very tricky document to write. You have to include your concrete results and numbers, but also convey a lifetime’s worth of professional skills. The skills are considered â€Å"soft† (read: less quantifiable) data for employers, even though they’re highly important in hiring. So how do you finesse those to be more like the hard data? To help you to navigate this, here are 5 commonly used soft skills and how to turn them into hard facts on your resume.1. â€Å"I’m innovative.†This is a great word, and makes the writer sound oh-so ahead of the curve, right? Kudos to you for being forward-thinking, but the interviewer or hiring manager doesn’t know what you did to be groundbreaking. Make sure to provide examples of how you’ve innovated:â€Å"I implemented a brand-new program for employee social media.† â€Å"Developed a software program to convert site visits into sales leads.†Same goes for â€Å"visionary.â⠂¬  If you’re going to make that bold statement, you should absolutely be prepared to back it up with your visions.2. â€Å"I’m creative.†This is a case where showing is definitely the key. Do you have visual examples of something creative you’ve done and can attach to the document? An example of a time when you found a unique solution to a problem?3. â€Å"I’m an effective communicator.†This is one where you have to take a holistic approach†¦ because if your overall resume is a mess, that will send a red flag to the hiring manager about your communication skills. In addition to providing specific examples of your communication (client outreach, interoffice email blasts, etc.), you should definitely make sure that your entire resume has a clear and concise vibe.4. â€Å"I was responsible for†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The easiest way to convert soft skills into hard data is to go through your resume and take out all the passive language. Be asserti ve! Use action verbs! It makes for a cleaner read, and lets you present specific numbers or examples without extra baggage for the reader to parse.5. â€Å"I’m professional.†This one might be my favorite, and I’m pretty sure I’m guilty of abusing it back in my early job hunting days. One would hope that if you’re applying for a job, you’re professional. If you’re not professional, the hiring manager will likely figure that out pretty quickly; no amount of insistence on paper will change that.   I’d leave this one out, and find a more specific adjective to show your awesomeness.The attitude to keep in the back of your mind as you revise your resume should be â€Å"show me.† These skills can really put you over the top, so it’s important to be as specific as possible!Read More at Careerealism

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Customer Service Resume -How to Write the Perfect One (Examples)

Customer Service Resume -How to Write the Perfect One (Examples) If you’ve ever worked in customer service, you know that it’s a job that may not be glamorous, but is totally necessary. People will always need help with a product, with a product that goes wrong, with a product they haven’t yet received, or their feelings about a product. Being a customer service rep involves a lot of skills and it is sometimes hard to fit it all in. Here are guides to writing the perfect customer service resume. First up is Margo, who is a recent grad looking for a job in customer service.  Download this ResumeMargo Lane 54 Prince Street Minneapolis, MN 65656 (111) 222s)How to Write a Perfect Occupational Therapist ResumeHow to Write a Perfect Physician Assistant Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Receptionist Resume (Examples Included)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Personal Mission Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Mission Statement - Essay Example My goals and objectives in life are multifaceted and I believe I can achieve them all. The goal is to be successful in my personal life, professional life and become a better person in general. I am a single mother of a wonderful nine year old kid and I would like to be the best mother to my son. My son is my source of my personal happiness and I would like to provide him not only his material needs but also the love and support that would make him the best person he can be. I could not be more than happier to see that my son well taken-cared of and loved. I make sure that I spend quality time with him no matter how busy I am. Professionally, I would like to have a career in the future that is not only financially rewarding but also personally fulfilling as well. I would like to have a career in the future that touches people’s lives and that makes a difference in the community (no matter how small) that I am in. I also would like to have a career in the future that allows me to balance work with my personal life so that I will also have the time and energy to attend to my son. I also would like to contribute something to my community like engaging in some volunteer work to have the personal satisfaction that I made a difference. I believe that these goals can be achieved by following the guidelines set by Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. These habits include being proactive, begin the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seeking first to understand, then to be understood, synergize and sharpen the saw. These are simple rules or guidelines that enable an individual to become effective in the things that he or she does that would ultimately make him or her successful in whatever undertaking an individual may chose. Being proactive in the Seven Habits simply meant making the right decisions to become effective. In my case, to

Friday, November 1, 2019

Communication Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Communication - Personal Statement Example It is believed for the most part that the process of selective perception is a psychological process and therefore a process that is not done consciously. The best analogy of this process is when a person says "You only hearing what you want to hear". As absurd as this sounds, the example stated is in fact exactly what happens in selective perception. This is not to be interpreted as a bad thing, but rather a byproduct of a society that is multitasking consistently. Each person has their own list of priorities and simply because two people may have an issue in common does not mean that the issue takes the same place on that list of priorities that we keep subconsciously. Because we are consistently bombarded with too much stimuli every day to pay equal attention to everything, we pick and choose according to our own needs. In completing our assignments, I noticed that not only are most people guilty of selective perception but I am as well. Although my intentions were good, the fact was that I did not get the message that the other person attempted to convey and I found this issue to be a part of my life in my educational pursuits and my job. Selective Exposure is the tendency to avoid information inconsistent with one's beliefs & attitudes. This, to me is somewhat akin to the theory supplied by selective perception, yet on a more conscious level. For example, as I noted in my essay, I would deliberately avoid people that cursed incessantly because the whole notion of cursing is an unnecessary coping skill and is not a necessary one. I don't see why I could expose myself to those who I consider to be "serial cursers" and as a result, they are consciously excluded from my social circles. I learned from this experience that selective exposure will ultimately retard my growth in my personal relationships and for my professional relationships. In employing selective exposure, I learned that the message I am really conveying is "I don't care what you think or say" and "Whatever you have to say is not worth my time to listen to." It makes me appear to be extremely close minded and ultimately stops others from wanting to commun icate with me. It would be remiss of me to not convey the fact that the Johari Window presented a bit of a challenge to me. While I can certainly understand the theory behind the category, I do find it rather difficult to apply to my own business relationships. While I am aware of the fact that trust is an essential component of business team relationships, there is still a competitive piece to it and that cannot be ignored, especially in this economy. With pink slips being sent out on a daily basis I cannot imagine that it will be easy to accept members of a team as anything other than competition. Workers in every field are trying to demonstrate that they are better than their co-workers so I cannot imagine that team spirit is really existing at this juncture. Thus while the Johari window is one that would work in the perfect economy, I don't believe that it would work in today's dire economic times. I think that one of the more difficult tasks is honest reflection of self perception. People decide on their own attitudes and feelings from watching themselves behave in various situations. This is particularly

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Problem Solving-Answer the questions related to The Theory of Essay

Problem Solving-Answer the questions related to The Theory of entrepreneurship - Essay Example Curran stated the term entrepreneur should be kept for those small business owners who are innovative and opportunistic in organizing resources or offering new products and services in chase of profit, and others that are not innovative and merely offer recognized and services to existing markets are merely small business owners. Schumpeters interactions with the thoughts of other economists were relatively complex in his most essential contributions to economic analysis were the theory of business cycles and development. Following neither Walras nor Keynes, Schumpeter start in The Theory of Economic Development with a paper of circular flow which, not including any innovations and innovative actions, leads to a inactive state. The inactive state is, according to Schumpeter, explained by Walrasian equilibrium. The superman of his story, though, is, in fine Austrian fashion, the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur upsets this equilibrium and is the reason of economic development, which proceeds in cyclic fashion along several time scales. In fashioning this theory linking innovations, cycles, and development, Schumpeter kept alive the Russian Nikolai Kondratievs thoughts on 50-year cycles, Kondratiev waves. Schumpeter offered a framework in which the four main cycles, Kondratiev, Kuznets, Juglar and Kitchin can be combined collectively to form a merged waveform. In fact there was significant professional competition between Schumpeter and Kuznets. The wave form offered here did not contain the Kuznets Cycle basically because Schumpeter did not identify it as a suitable cycle (you can see "Business Cycles" for verification. A Kondratiev wave could comprise of three lower degrees Kuznets waves. Each Kuznets wave could, itself, be faked of two Juglar waves. In the same way two or three Kitchin waves could outline a higher degree Juglar wave. If each of these were in stage, more

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Elderly Care in Residential Home Case Study

Elderly Care in Residential Home Case Study Unit Standard 7979 Task1 Placement Diary Outline the information and issues relevant to the decisions about the alternative placement for this individual. Client A he is very strict with his schedule, such as having must having lunch at 12pm and must go to toilet after lunch. If there any unexpected things happen which affect his schedule, his will scream for what he wants. For this case, client A made his own decision to follow everything under his schedule, but sometime we have to change it because things happen. Then I have to follow the instruction from his care plan to answer his challenging behavior. What other information did you need to obtain? For provide alternative care to client A. I also have to know what he will behaviour and how to make him stop when trigger his challenge behaviour. Facilitation of decision making Outline how decision making was facilitated in accordance with the service provider’s standards. The staff writes down his entire schedule on his resident profile, to avoid trigger his challenging behaviour. Such as, he goes to church every Sunday, shopping at Pak’n Save every Wednesday, and goes to west wave pools for water walking, spa and sauna. And also write how to deal with his challenging behaviour, or how to give him comfort when he feels upset. To ensure he has a proper service with his decision making. Other Notes (reflect on the decision making process) The service will make sure he get ready to perform his schedule a day before, like prepare his swimming wears or make sure there is enough money for shopping. If there is something happen which cause to change his schedule, the staff have to raise the voice to let him focus and understand what staff saying. Task2 Placement Diary Outline any further or additional information or issues relate to the alternative placement for this individual The staff needs to add additional information in the resident profile when client change their behaviour or there is new hehaviour show up. There is one day client A get sick in the morning, and after seen his GP, the GP suggest him go home early to take a rest. I and another staff bring him into the van try to let him go home early. After he realizes his going home early he start scream and hit his head and hit the van. In this situation, normally he just screams but not hitting things. So after this, we add he may hit thing or his head when he feels sick and there is changing schedule. How did you plan the placement in line with the decisions of the parties involved and any other key people? I’ll try to as far as possible to complete his schedule, and prepare solution for change of schedule. Sometime when he is scream and not listening what the staff saying, may contact his mother to let him talk with his mother by phone, then he will calm down and start to listen. How did you plan the placement in line with ethical practice? I will always write down into detail when he having a challenging behaviour to let other staff know and avoid trigger it again. Also treat my client equally with respect and understand, give enough patience and always ask client’s permission and let them make their own decision. Make sure my client is receiving the right service. How did you make sure that everything you did was focused on the current and future safety of the person who needed the alternative care placement? I will always read through client’s profile to make sure I know the basic situation of my client before making any plan for my client. Then according client’s ability and will make a plan for client, and explain to my client clearly. During the plan making I have to consider all the safety needs, such as client’s mobility, number of staff will participate and solution of emergency situation. Facilitation of Planning Outline how planning was facilitated in accordance with the service provider’s standards. Give examples Planning can reduce the change of trigger his challenging behavior. For example, client will feel satisfy when everything follow his schedule, and there is enough preparation for his outing and activities. Even there is some accident change of his schedule which makes him feel anxiety, the planning can provide solution for provide him comfort and how to make him calm down. Other Notes (reflect on the planning process) Social worker need to consider the safety and wellbeing during planning process. In this case this client need to have a 24 hours care service and personal development with his life span. Task3 Placement Diary How did you encourage self-determination of the person who is the subject of the alternative care placement? Self-determination means the client can make his own decision without any assistant. To encourage self-determination of client, the social worker has to find the way to provide confident to client. Such as, to let client doing task he familiar with or give him compliment if he did something by himself. Also the social can let client have more contact with other people, like buy thing independent or joint a community event (e.g. color run, festival) How did you discourage dependency on you as the social worker and the social service provider? I like to give my client a simply brief of how to complete the task, and watch him doing it. If he is struggle with it, I’ll just give him with a small tip for that. That makes my client have chance to achieve his capacity but not just let social worker do everything for him. Also during the process of the task, social worker need to always be patients and good at finding the goodness of client. How did you assist key people in the implementation of the plan to identify progress? The compliment from his mother may bring he with a lot of confident and motivation of doing things independently. How did you assist parties to the plan to review the plan? What if any further options were identified? If the plan was amended, how was it amended? Plan to have a family consultation with client. According to the client’s disability and his emotion, social workers need more care and attention, to assist in this client. Implementation of the alternative care placement plan Outline how the implementation was in accordance with the service provider’s standards The implementation process must under the policies of service provider’s standard, also may involving client’s family in to this process. During the process of implementation the social worker must make sure the client are stays in a good condition both his mental and physical states. Other Notes (reflect on the implementation process) The social workers have to always ask how client feel, and respect his willing and decision all the time. Task 4 Placement Diary How did you know had completed your required tasks or involvement in the plan? Social may have a family meeting with client and his mother to get how is the result of the plan, did the client become more confident in his daily life or did the client can make decision independently. What possible future involvement might be required from the social service provider in this case? Think about factors that may lead to further contact being needed, what functions or services a social worker or social service provider might offer the person in the future, and how the person could go about re-establishing contact with the social service provider Client may seek for assist with his living security, for example the social may seek for him with more care hours from MOH to assist him with the daily living. The social worker may look for a life company for him or assists he to get a job. For the re-establishing contact with the social service provider, the client may ask assistant from MOH or just request help from the social service provider. Closure of involvement in the alternative care placement plan Outline how the closure was in accordance with the service provider’s standards The social worker have to ensure the client are satisfy with the service, and make sure all the client’s information are fully record and place in a secure place for reference. Outline how you made sure information was kept confidential Not talk client’s privacy to any other people, and make sure all the decision making and family meeting are progress in a privacy place. For the client’s profile and information must keep in a secure place under the service provider’s policies and protocols. Always follow the code of right to perform a professional social worker ethics. Provide two examples of how your actions were in accordance with relevant legislation. Name the legislation in the examples Human Right Act: Created to ensure that customer information is to keep maintain customer confidentiality and privacy protection Privacy Act: Created to ensure that customer information is to keep maintain customer confidentiality and privacy protection. Other Notes (reflect on the closure process) During the process of the case, all the new update must record truthfully into the service plan for other parties to view. Always ensure client are in a good mental and physical condition while receive the service from social worker, and make sure the safety and wellbeing of client. Task5 Implementation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi Te Tiriti o Waitangi includes 4 main principles, which are partnership, protection, participation and permission. Those four principles are given me guide during I provide service to client A as follow listed. Partnership: as a social worker I build a good and equal relationship with client A with trust and understand, while we progress the task or creating plan we always works together and share suggestion. Protection: during the process of this case, I do keep in mind to protect client A’s personal information and privacy. Strict follow the code of right to provide protection to client A. Participation: I always invite Client A and his mother into the plan making and building relationship, by sharing feeling and suggestion. It makes us make fewer mistakes and saving more time. Permission: when I have any idea or add any information with this case, I always let my client know and get his permission. Task6 Application of social service theory According to the client’s situation, I do apply the Models of practice, including Iwi and Maori Models of practice theme into his alternative care. The Te Whare Tape Wha which including the Tinana(physical health), Wairua(spiritual health), Whanau(family health) and Hinengaro(mental health). When I provide care to client A I always look after these four health in to his care and reach his needs. Tinana: as a social worker I have look after the environment which I provide service. Before I provide any service to Client A I always check is any potential harm or risk, and exclude it. That makes me and my client both are stay in a safety environment without task a risk with accident. Wairua: as a social worker I have to know the client’s spiritual needs before provide any service, because the belief of client may take a very important part into the service. To fully respect and understand client’s belief may give client the exactly right encourage and confident. Also in many time the belief of client may give a unimagined strength to complete the task which hark for him. Whanau: family is a very important chain in the service process. Always involve the family into the care may let client feel more relax and easy to working in role. On the other, the support come from family normally are the biggest help and assistance with service perform. Hinengaro: I would like to make sure my clients have a good mental condition during I provide service to him to avoid his not feel satisfy. Also that ensure my care are effective to my client. Sometime, my client may feel upset. Then I have to give him with encourage and bring him with confident.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Describe an important character and explain why they are important. :: English Literature

Describe an important character and explain why they are important. Lord of the Flies by William Golding - Ralph Describe an important character and explain why they are important. An important character in Lord of the Flies by William Golding is Ralph. Ralph is a strong leader in the book who all the boys respect, and he is the person who first tries to create an order on the island. In some ways Ralph's motivation for being a good, powerful leader is his longing for home. Ralph's relationship with another boy on the island, Jack is very important also. From the beginning of the book Ralph takes charge over his newly acquainted companion Piggy. When he calls the other boys together he takes control over the entire group and his leadership is acknowledged by the majority of the boys voting for him as chief. With his power Ralph makes many important decisions, such as building huts and starting a signal fire which he thinks is most important. This is illustrated when he says "There was a shipà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ you said you'd keep the smoke going". Ralph's leadership is what keeps the order among the boys on the island. Ralph's desire for home is what drives him to lead the group of boys and to keep an orderly society on the island. Creating the signal fire was Ralph's only way to get home and it is clear he knows this when he tells Jack "No fire, no smoke, no rescue." This shows Ralph's passion for their rescue, for his home and for the fire. Ralph's longing for home is important because it is from this that he bases his decisions on and it's his decisions that get the boys home. We all have a craving for love, warmth and home, but it is not until we are without these that it becomes obvious. When Ralph finds a conch shell and uses it to call the boys from all over the island, they come running. The conch is a very powerful tool. When the boys have settled the conch is used to control the boys and to create an order on the island. A rule is set out by Ralph using the conch, "Whoever has the conch has got the right to talk". This shows the conch's power and Ralph's leaderhsip. Again, Ralph's determination for an ordered society is driven by his wanting to go home. Ralph has strong relationships with many of the boys on the island, but his relationship with Jack is most important of all. Ralph's relationship with Jack begins like the others, with friendship and

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Child Labour: Responses from Different Industries in the Developing World Essay

In this piece of work it will be asserted that child labour in developing countries is a contentious and challenging topic. Child labour issues are highlighted in context with two different industries. On one side, Bhukuth and Ballet (2006) detect the role of parents in pushing their children to work, in order to increase family productivity in a brick kiln industry in India and on the other side, Winstanley et al. 2002) observe a subtle involvement of a sports footwear manufacturing industry in Vietnam dealing with child labour issues and thwarting them. Winstanley et al. in their study (2002 p. 214) refer to the work of King and Marcus (2000), according to whom, child labour incorporates elements of exploitative and hazardous work that is harmful to children because it prevents them from getting an education, damages their health, subjects them to physical, sexual or emotional abuse or exploits them in other ways. This subjective belief has been recognised by the study conducted by Bhukuth and Ballet (2006) in which they argue about the parental perception regarding their children working with them, providing an extra incentive in their household remuneration and preventing the household from falling into bondage. Moulding bricks in hazardous conditions in a brick kiln industry, children are forced to work for long hours making them devoid of elementary education and also, severely affecting their mental and physical health. Bhukuth and Ballet (2006) emphasise in their study, that, child labour cannot be argued as a substitute for adult labour because the output generated by the latter one is much higher than the former one. Extending beyond organisational, national and cultural boundaries it is becoming extremely difficult to regulate human rights and child labour issues in the developing world. Winstanley et al. (2002) question whether national government and nation states are responsible for weak regulation of human rights at work place? Bhukuth and Ballet (2006) in their study perceive that employers hire brokers who play an important role in the recruitment of labours in the brick kiln industry in India. A peculiar trend of recruitment is observed by Bhukuth and Ballet (2006) in which brokers recruit only couple of adult composed of a man and his wife, or two men, rarely two women. A man alone is never recruited. Considering all these conditions, parents usually take their children with them at work, and children eventually end up working with their parents. The extra money pays off their debts and increases their bargaining power in the market. So, child labour becomes a mean to bargain higher amount of advance. The recruitment policy mentioned in this case can be argued to be biased. Bhukuth and Ballet (2006) quotes ‘illiteracy’ among people and especially, in case of parents, as one of the major factors bloating this social evil. No measures have been taken in such artisan industries to eliminate child labour, but, in fact, a general perception has been designed according to which, child labour is clearly complementary to adult labour. On the contrary, Winstanley et al. (2002) in their study of a sports footwear manufacturing company called Adidas-Salomon observe an active involvement of the company in averting human rights and child labour issues by adopting a mixed approach of disengagement and engagement strategy. As observed by Winstanley et al. (2002), the company opted more of disengagement approach but not in terms of disengaging factories and countries, but child labour, by establishing Department of Social and  Environmental Affairs with a mission of enhancing its brand by promoting socially responsible, safe and environmentally sustainable practices for the company and its business partners. Going beyond merely strict regulation and monitoring, Adidas tried counter-attacking the child labour problem by formulating a Code of Conduct known as ‘Standards of Engagement’ (SOE) under which educational programmes for underage workers (below 14 years) were organised in the factory itself whilst con tinuing to pay them basic wage and providing them day meal (Winstanley et al. , 2002). Taking into account what Winstanley et al. (2002) perceived from their study, a question can be raised that, if companies would provide such a productive atmosphere to underage workers then many parents will push their children to work in factories, thereby, boosting child labour. On the other hand, Basu and Van (1998) suggest that policy implications of banning child labour in domestic sector as well as in home- based enterprise like the brick kiln industry, which is indeed a market oriented sector, will prove to be inefficient (in Bhukuth and Ballet, 2006 p. 5). If the policies are regulated and child labour is banned in the industry, a deep negative impact will be observed on the deprived strata of society who believe that child labour can prevent their family from falling into a dynamic process of debt bondage. Winstanley et al. (2002) and Bhukuth and Ballet (2006) agree on the point that NGOs can play a drivers role in solving the problem of bondage and child labour by providing elementary education to children and non-formal education to parents, so that they can monitor their accounts and prevent any chances of cheating while clearing debts. Winstanley et al. (2002) support this notion by mentioning the intensive role played by a US-based NGO hired by Adidas and the locals with directed aims and objectives to eliminate child labour. Winstanley et al. (2002) also summarise the impact of media which has spawned a plethora of information that has divulged the concealed areas in this milieu. Conclusively, Bhukuth and Ballet (2006) and Winstanley et al. (2002) have endeavoured to investigate the industrial ethics in context with child labour. The role of NGOs along with a significant support from the locals in solving the problem of child labour is well supported here. There are certain areas which remain unexplored like the after effects of child labour on a child, reason for inactive support from the central or state government in jettisoning child labour etc. I strongly agree with Winstanley et al. (2002) vis-a-vis media acquiring the centre stage in creating awareness amongst people and drawing a strong reaction from society, consumers and producers to tackle the bottom line of exploitation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Macbeth Film Comparison Essay

Compare and contrast the opening scenes of Polanski’s 1971 film version of ‘Macbeth’ with Geoffrey Wright’s 2007 adaptation. Roman Polanski’s and Geoffrey Wright’s adaptations of Shakespeare’s Macbeth are filmed in different styles despite being based on the same play. This may be to suit a different audience or convey a different message to one another. Roman Polanski’s 1971 reproduction opens on a wide angle shot of a beach with a sunrise coming up over the horizon. This creates a feeling of morning, and that this is just the start of a storyline. After this, three old, weathered women appear and dig a hole in the sand- allowing a mysterious atmosphere to develop, which leaves the audience wanting to know more. The witches then bury a dagger encased in a severed hand and a hangman’s noose. These items allow the audience to ponder upon the connection of the items. The witches then say their goodbyes and wander off along the beach, the only sound being the squeaking of their cart used to haul the ritual items in. This shot is quite simple, but it creates a feeling of anticipation. Geoffrey Wright’s 2007 adaptation opens in a more 21st century blockbuster style, with attractive young schoolgirls playing the part of the witches who vandalise a graveyard by gouging out the eyes of statues of angels and spraying the eyes of the statues with red spray paint. This is quite an aggressive scene to start with, and sets the pace for the rest of the film. Compared to Polanski’s version, this introduction offers a more up-beat feel, instead of the more sombre style of the 1971 film. The camera then pans round to a close-up of Macbeth’s face whose attention is drawn to the young schoolgirls as they wander past him. He then looks at his wife who is kneeling over their dead son’s grave crying. Again, another close-up, but this time of Lady Macbeth’s face which at this point is not particularly attractive. This could show Macbeth’s desire for a prettier woman in the schoolgirls, and reality- the less attractive sight of his wife; but in the end, no-one knows what he is thinking, just that he is not comforting his wife. Here, the atmosphere is quite tense- lots of things are happening at one time which makes you feel like you are there, in Macbeth’s hectic, confused mind. In relation to Polanski’s film, this film is less mysterious and makes you expect fewer twists because there have been not many so far. The title graphics in Polanski’s film are set in a Roman style font, Seriffed and coloured black. The aged font emphasizes the fact that the film is very traditional. This style of writing is often used in newspaper articles. The 2007 adaptation uses a much more modern, contemporary sans-serif font. The text is coloured red- a recurring theme in this film. In the 1971 version, a wide angle shot of the beach is the start of the film. This wide angle shot is used throughout the first scene to depict the bleak landscape that the film is set in. The wide shot could also be showing us the â€Å"bigger picture†- that there are many little thing that make up the plot of Macbeth, and this is just one little thing on a wide, open beach. Geoffrey Wright’s film does not include many wide- angle shots in the first few scenes. This is most probably because of the action-packed nature of the film. Therefore the camera follows the action intensely- for example following the witches around the graveyard. This gives the audience an adrenalin rush- especially in the action scenes where the audience can perceive themselves to be taking part in the violence. In both films however, close-up shots of the faces of the main characters are shown. In Polanski’s film this is to show mainly emotion- the creepy expressions of the witches, and Macbeth’s blank expression when shown in a close-up. When Macbeth is first shown, invaders are being hung in the background- but Macbeth retains his blank facial expression- suggesting that he has no feelings for those being hung. Geoffrey Wright’s film shows close-ups of the faces of the witches defacing the statues at the graveyards. These shots show the determination that the witches show by their facial expressions to destroy all that has to do with God and heaven in the graveyard. The close-ups of Lady Macbeth’s face show her weakness in her love for her dead child. Polanski’s film uses very weak morning light as a setting for the beach scene. This gives a dull, grey, washed out look to the beach. The beach seems quite uncomfortable, as it is daybreak and there is almost no light and the open beach makes you feel cold inside creating an atmosphere that hints to you that something bad is about to happen. Similarly, the 2007 version seems to be shot in the day, but there is very little light as the graveyard is overcast. Despite this, the graveyard feels more comfortable due to the auburn hair of the witches which seem to emit warmth and light- allowing the audience to feel more relaxed and enjoy the action scene that follows. Polanski’s film opens with the witches burying strange items that all link to death and suffering- a dagger, a noose and a severed hand. Blood (possibly a symbol of murder) is then poured over the items. The witches then spit on either side of themselves, possibly to bind themselves to the witchcraft they are taking part in. the weather at that time is bleak ,and a thunderstorm is brewing- possibly suggesting a little cheaply hat something bad is about to happen. At that point, after the title sequence, the king gallops onto the beach to the sound of trumpets- symbolic of royalty and fame. In Geoffrey Wright’s adaptation, a recurring theme of red is used from the start of the film. This colour represents blood, murder, death, danger, and the underworld. For example, the witches hair is Auburn, suggesting that they pose a mild danger to Macbeth. Also, â€Å"The Cawdor†- the bar which is used as a drugs den, has red wallpaper- suggesting that it is part of the underworld. The witches vandalise a graveyard at the start of the film, showing their hatred towards God and heaven. They gouge out the eyes of the angels- possibly making them blind to what is about to happen. Red spray paint is forcefully sprayed in the eyes of the statues, also making them oblivious to the witchcraft about to take place. Crosses are also defaced- possibly a reference to Macbeth’s worries about his afterlife. After the vandalism, the girls quieten down, possibly showing an ounce of respect seen as though the place they just demolished is a graveyard. Macbeth is dressed in casual attire, but in black, as in the introduction, he is supposed to be mourning his son’s death. Macbeth’s wife also lays down white roses- symbols of love and innocence- ironic as in the end, nobody seems to be innocent! Later on, as Macbeth and his gang chase a drug dealer from the underworld (with the prevailing colour of red), yellow street lights and buildings are shown- this separated the real world from the underworld. This shows the audience that Macbeth’s actions are not within the realms of what a â€Å"normal† person would do, and that in order to carry on with his normal life; he must keep his actions inside the underworld. Music is an important part in setting the scene for a film, and in Roman Polanski’s film, a droning, repetitive, chaos-inducing tune is used which shows the kookiness of the witches. When Macbeth is shown, a drum beat, not dissimilar to that of an army march beat is used. This shows how Macbeth is a soldier and will fight for his king. The King has music played on a trumpet- vey regal and flattering, this shows his position clearly as a monarch. The music played for the different characters is mostly to show who they are in terms of status; and the music is used instead of a lengthy introduction, allowing the audience to apply stereotypes to the different characters via the music and paint a picture in their minds about the character, but on a deeper level than shown on screen. While the title graphics are showing, fighting sounds are played- simulating the sounds of a battlefield. Plus with swords clanging and maces clashing, the audience are allowed to recreate their own battle in their minds without the help of visual hints. The 2007 version uses similarly annoying, grating noises for the witches- but this time using hissing sounds- possibly a link to the devil posing as a snake in the Bible story of Adam and Eve, where the snake fools Eve into eating the Apple, who then fools Adam into also eating the apple- an uncanny resemblance to the tragedy of Macbeth. Instead of showing a blank screen while showing the title credits, Wright preferred to show a gung-ho showdown between Macbeth’s gang and an Asian gang. Here, the music is loud and upbeat in contrast to the hissing beforehand- just like the 1971 version. Possibly in an attempt to entice the audience of the 21st century, Wright uses very violent scenes- such as depicting men being shot with submachine guns by Macbeth. Again- this may have been done to excite the audience; and instead of letting the audience make up the fight in their minds, a graphical representation has been put on a plate for them. This was not done in 1971 due to the social taboos against showing excessively violent scenes in films- a theme that runs right through the 2007 version as nowadays, these types of scenes are generally being seen as more and more acceptable; despite many believing that suggesting is much more powerful than stating- as could be the case in Wright’s version. Roman Polanski’s film shows witches dressed in ragged clothes, unwashed and with no shoes. This allows the audience to see immediately that these women are strange, and not very wealthy. The king on the other hand is shown to wear a fine suit of armour, with a polished helmet- showing his social importance and wealth. Macbeth lies in the middle of the two extremes- not exuberantly poor like the witches- as he wears chainmail and shoes; but not very wealthy and important- as he has no banner or shiny helmet. This simplistic method of categorising people shows the simplistic way in which Polanski is trying to depict the characters and show the audience how Macbeth is lodged between the two extremes of wealth and social status. When Macbeth meets up with his gang for the action sequence, all of his gang are dressed casually in dark clothes. All except the gang’s Consigliere (the Kings son) – who is dressed in a smart black suit with a red tie- again, with reference to the recurring theme of red, this time showing him as royalty, and as having a higher social status than the other gang members. Hair is an important part of first impressions- in Polanski’s film, Macbeth’s hair is not shown in the introduction, and is hidden by a chainmail hood. This could hint at Macbeth being sheltered from evil and guarded due to his hood acting as a â€Å"safety blanket†. The King wears a crown- a symbol of true royalty, and his hair is uncovered- possibly showing that he is weak. Geoffrey Wright’s adaptation also depicts the King as being weaker than the other characters when his hair colour is looked at. The King is shown as having very fair, blonde hair- again being a symbol of innocence and weakness. The witches in Polanski’s film have different hairstyles- two have hoods- like Macbeth’s but made of cloth, and one has dirty, unwashed brown hair. This array of hairstyles allows the audience to realise that the witches are individuals, and are not all identical in the way they behave. On the other hand, the 2007 version shows all of the witches having the same hairstyle and colour- that being red- with connotations to blood and death. This also is trying to show the audience that they are quite aggressive and possibly have links to the devil. Roman Polanski’s film depicts Macbeth with 1970’s style censoring- no explicitly violent or sexual scenes; but traditional â€Å"hints† at what is happening. Wrights’ version is essentially a film from a totally different time period- showing excessive violence to â€Å"help† the modern audience understand what is going on. I think that despite the sometimes cheesy details of the film, Polanski has created a classic that really entices the audience and makes them wonder what is going on when subtle hints are dropped directing the viewer on the right direction in terms of their mental picture of the scene. The 2007 version shows how complacent modern-day audiences have become with violence and nudity in films. I think that this is mostly down to the filmmakers wanting to make the film more exciting- in some ways they have, as the action scenes in the film can be quite gripping. But as a teenager, I think that more needs to be done in order to let my imagination get to work and try to think of what is really happening, and what is the film trying to tell me beyond the gratuitous violence.