Thursday, December 26, 2019

Physical Indicators Of Sexual Abuse - 1235 Words

t the child might be coerced into lying to protect the abuser. (Indicators of Abuse) Physical Indicators of sexual abuse can be harder to see than those of physical abuse this is because most often, if there are any physical signs they are hidden. Physical signs can include the child having difficulty walking or sitting, if a child looks like he or she is in pain while doing either activity ask questions. Torn, stained or bloody underwear is also a sign of sexual abuse, this sign is hard to go off of because only someone who is doing the child’s laundry or changing the child will come across this. If a child has pain, itching or bleeding in either the genital or anal areas than this is an important touchstone as well. (Indicators of Abuse) Behavioral signs of sexual abuse can include being unwilling to change in front of people, especially if they weren’t ever shy about it before. If a child has an understanding of sex well beyond what is age appropriate this is a very obvious and important sign. Sometimes children who have been victims of sexual abuse will touch their genitals or masturbate frequently, this goes beyond a little boy or girl just being curious. If a child seems to regress in development, like for example going back to sucking their thumb or if a child seems to have retreated into a fantasy world than one should start wondering if sexual abuse could be a horror this young child has faced. Another factor that is important and can be overlooked is if a childShow MoreRelatedEssay about Unit 11 P11679 Words   |  7 Pagesassignment will describe the forms of abuse which may be experienced by adults; describing indicators that abuse may be happening to adults. It will then look at factors that may le ad to abusive situations and assess the possible immediate effects of two different forms of abuse. 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