Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Changes in America Between 1920 and 1960 Essay - 1404 Words

During the years between 1920 and 1960, America saw change in many aspects of life. The United States was a part of two major wars and a crash of the banking system that crippled the economy greater than ever seen in this country’s history. Also the country had new insecurities to tackle such as immigration and poor treatment of workers. These events led to the change of America lives socially, economically, and politically. The people of America changed their ideas of what the country’s place in the world should be. The issues challenging America led the country to change from isolation to war, depression to prosperity, and social change. The threats to American way of life, foreign and domestic, were the changing forces to the†¦show more content†¦The main reason for this legislation was to keep the United States isolated from the rest of the world, which many Americans believed would keep us safe from an attack on America. Americans were so afraid of a threat to the country, the United States disregarded one of its most beloved Amendments of the Constitution, the First which gives citizens the freedom of speech. The end of World War I left much of America confused on the country’s role in world affairs. Many people believed that the United States should primarily worry about its own issues and problems, and let the world handle their own problems. But President Woodrow Wilson was not one of those people. He believed that the United States should be directly involved in the issues affecting all of the countries of the world. He also wanted the United States to be the country to make a push for a League of Nations. â€Å"The people of the United States could act upon no other principle; and to the vindication of this principle they are ready to devote their lives, their honor, and everything that they possess. The normal climax of this the culminating and final war for human liberty has come, and they are ready to put their own strength, their own highest purpose, their own integrity and devotion to the test.† Wilson believed that if the United States needed to be a part of a League of Nations in charge of keeping peace around the world, this would keep AmericaShow MoreRelatedEvolution Of My Life From 1920985 Words   |  4 PagesEvolution of my life from 1920 to 1960 Living through 1920-1960s was challenging as well as an exciting time as the world was changing rapidly. I am going to give you a window into my life. I will discuss the 1920s, the roaring twenties, 1930 great depression, 1940 World War II, and sum up with the 1950-1960 the great changes in my life as well as Americas. Living in the 1920s were the first recollections in my life. We had many advantages during this time as the economy was stable. 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